Interior Cleaning
Interior Cleaning
Almost every single day, for the most of us, the morning journey in our car to work is the time which decides our mood for the rest of the day. We travel on an average for more than an hour through pollution, dust and heavy traffic, which makes us tired and agitated. It can be even more frustrating if the interior of our car is dull, unclean or messy.
Over a period of time, plastic and wooden interiors of cars tend to loosen up, dust and grime tend to accumulate in various corners inside the car and mirrors look foggy. Even though we do carry a piece of cloth for a quick wiping of car interiors, it does not give fresh and clean look for a long time.
But now, with Omega Car Care’s Interior Premium Treatment, you can be rest assured that your car’s interiors will be spotlessly clean and its furniture intact.
Keep your car interiors looking new
Our Treatment Includes
Effectively removes stains and dirt from the car’s interior surface
Preserves paint and plastic finish for a longer duration than normal
Leaves no greasy residue
Enhances the look, shine & durability of vehicle plastics and leather upholstery
Gives streak free visibility for glass and windshields
Cleans every surface
Complete interior cleaning including seats, roof, floor and side panels using premium foam based product
Dashboard dressing
Cleaning and polish of interior plastic parts
Glass cleaning
- AC disinfection Spray
- WAX Polish
- Under Body Quoting
- Teflon Quoting
- Rubbing Polich
- Engine Lacquer